Struggle of Uncertainty

Are you struggling in this time of uncertainty and global stress? Would you like to connect in a safe space with people who come from a place of honesty, integrity, and respect? Join our Inspiring Hope Community online this Thursday evening to discover hope.

Watching the news in this world crisis, I have noticed a combination of good news and tragic news. What can we believe? What is truth? What is exaggeration? Fear of the unknown in this situation is amplified by uncertain news, a fragile economy, and those who are sick with disease. So much confusion, so much emotion.

Transition with Hope

As we transition through this period of isolation into a new type of normal, many are anticipating changes that will usher us into our next phase. Making decisions can be difficult in these days of uncertainty. I have learned to trust the intuitive guidance that lights my way through life, especially in challenging times.

To help you, I’d like to share powerful channeled messages of guidance that I have been blessed to receive over these past years. They serve to inspire me to move more confidently along the path of compassion and kindness toward a place of peace. I hope they will inspire you as well. Learning to trust my intuitive knowing allows me the freedom to choose how I want to live, despite the illusion of insanity that surrounds us.

I’m sharing these amazing messages that provide guidance for living in the next book in the series, Chronicles of Hope – The Collective – Book 2, coming this summer.

Meanwhile, because these messages are extremely pertinent to what is transpiring on Earth today, I’m sharing them now in our Inspiring Hope Community.

Join Team Hope as we share, support, and encourage each other on this empowerment journey. You are invited to simply sit back, listen and learn, or ask questions and contribute your thoughts, ideas, and concerns.

Our online gatherings are via Zoom on the Second and Fourth Thursday of every month. We hope you will join us this Thursday, 5/15 at 7:00 p.m. (Eastern). Together, we can be catalysts for positive change, bringing hope to ourselves, our families, and our world.

Register today at

I hope you are healthy and well in this stressful time, and I am holding you in the light of love, prayer, and positive energy.

Many Blessings,

Lois Hermann & Team Hope

“The path that humanity is currently on if it makes no changes,
will invariably lead to its own end. Humanity has a simple choice,
either they learn to live together or face extinction.”

– Aurora, from Chronicles of Hope – The Collective – Book 2