Chronicles of Hope: The Archangels: Book 3
“Approach this book with an open heart, light in your soul, and filled with hope.
You will marvel at the insights, gifts, and inspiration upon which you are about to embark.”
— Christine Peck
Chronicles of Hope: The Archangels: Book 3 brings an in-depth conclusion to an amazing trilogy. It has beautiful, powerful, and very necessary messages for our times, reminding the reader of the depth and scope of this journey undertaken by Lois Hermann and her team to deliver these messages. Lois continues to use her creative voice, insight, professionalism, and knowledge to convey these important messages for humanity.
My background is perhaps like that of many others on a quest to develop spiritually during this life’s journey. Every day we encounter life trials, which take many different forms, but are opportunities, prompting us to grow spiritually and helping us to “awaken” to our true soul’s purpose. All three books in the Chronicles of Hope series provide us with tools and insights to use as we traverse this lifetime.
I have become acutely aware of the synchronicity of the solutions to life’s trials. After personal challenges, the Universe gifted me an amazing therapist who taught me to explore the world with an open heart, a level of discernment, and an awareness of those moments of synchronicity. I became a Certified Hypnotist in 2002 and loved attending the National Guild of Hypnotists Convention every year, where I sought out speakers who addressed the spiritual world and the awareness of the unknown. At the 2019 convention, I first met Lois Hermann, which was a big moment of synchronicity in my personal awakening.
Lois’ presentation, “Inspiring Hope,” encapsulated her bubbly energy, authenticity, and deep level of compassion for our world. I marveled at her amazing capacity to speak to a room full of people, while giving the impression she was addressing me personally. I was so impressed by this presentation that I wanted to meet Lois and learn more about her book, Chronicles of Hope: The Anquietas: Book 1, which was just released.
Reading Book 1 marked a crucial turning point in my life. I was in awe at the depth of knowledge and the intensity of the material in this beautifully written book. The messages from the Anquietas were powerful, insightful, and compassionate. After reading this book, I received an important message that was a “call to action.” This personal call to action led me to join Team Hope, take advanced classes to enhance my
skills as a hypnotist, and to practice daily spiritual protection for myself and my family.
After reading Chronicles of Hope: The Collective: Book 2, my level of understanding and awareness increased yet again. These books are a gift from God, Source, the Universe – whichever name is perfect for you – and Lois is the person chosen to deliver these messages at such a critical time in humanity’s existence.
This book, Chronicles of Hope: The Archangels: Book 3 is my favorite. The Archangels are so amazing. Each of their messages is unique yet similar at the same time. They are filled with love, hope, encouragement, and warnings. A persistent theme in all of the Chronicles of Hope books, but especially in Book 3, is that we all have our Guides, our angels, the Archangels, Jesus, the divine feminine, and Mother Gaia available to help us. All we have to do is ASK for their help and guidance. It is really that simple. We must stay in a state of gratitude and love, be centered, and request our Guides’ assistance.
The Guides of the Collective caution that humanity will either experience a huge awakening or civilization will come to an end. This Chronicles of Hope series gives guidelines, a true map for humanity’s transformation, and ways we can raise our collective frequency and consciousness. I personally chose a call to action and felt guided by my mentor to learn how to bring hope back to our world. There is always
hope. One individual can make a difference, and when united, we will be successful in saving our world.
Chronicles of Hope has helped me to see humanity through a very different filter. I now see beauty, love, compassion, and kindness in areas that were previously hidden. I also recognize more readily those who are “service to self” so my level of discernment is more refined. I have learned many levels of self and family protection. Most importantly, I have learned to ask for help and guidance, and I have learned the immense value of gratitude.
I am forever grateful for my first meeting with Lois and the opportunity to be part of Team Hope. I am grateful for the deep and loving friendships this journey has provided. I am especially grateful for traveling this amazing life’s journey with Lois Hermann, who I am privileged to call my friend. Lois’ energy, dedication, professionalism, and commitment to writing these books is awe inspiring. She is a beautiful human being who has undertaken the gigantic task of sharing and spreading the messages she received in channeled sessions over several years.
My deepest wish to all the readers of Book 3 is to approach this book with an open heart, light in your soul, and filled with hope. You will marvel at the insights, gifts, and inspiration upon which you are about to embark.
With Love and Light,
Christine Peck
Certified Hypnotist, Energy Clearing Master
Hypnosis for Healing and Health, MA
“The more you think you know, the less likely you are to be able to learn.
When you understand how little you know, you are willing to accept new information.”
— Archangel Azrael